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Poster Ilmiah

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Combination of Black Tea (Camellia sinensis) and Pomegranate (Punica granatum) Extract Mouthwash as Potential Therapy in Oral Manifestation of COVID-19


Gold Medal of Global Competition for Life Sciences (GLOCOLIS) 2021


Oleh :

1. Regitha Dwi Bestari (FKG 2018) 
2. Maria Eugenia Sekar Larasati

(FKG 2018)
3. Devina Zada Calosa
(FKG 2018)
4. Daniella Lunetta Sekar Maheswari

(FKG 2018)
5. Sarah Aryka (FKG 2018)


Inovasi Produk Smart Functional Food IMARI (Immunebooster Spices Sorghum Biscuit) dengan Digitalized Expired Date Reminder untuk Menjamin Keamanan Pangan


Gold Medal Kategori Poster Sub Tema Food an Biocomplex Innovation National Paper Competition for Dies Natalis 23rd FTP UB 2021


Oleh :

1. Farah Azzahro Putri Purwanto ( FKG 2019 )

Application of Iron Fortification in Eradicating Iron Deficiencies Anemia in Northern Maluku


Juara III Poster Ilmiah Indonesian Medical Students' Training and Competition 2016


Oleh :

1. Lia Wijaya

2. Januardi Indra Jaya

3. Himmah Islaura ( FKG 2014 )

G-Resp (Ginger Respirator) : Respirator dengan Aerosol Jahe untuk Mengurangi Angka Kejadian Asma pada Tenaga Kerja Agroindustri


Finalis Poster Ilmiah Hipotalamus Competition 2016


Oleh :

1. Afifah Salsabila ( FKG 2014 )

2. Himmah Islaura ( FKG 2014 )

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